What is the Difference Between Collaborative Divorce and Mediation?
In many ways, collaborative divorce and mediation overlap. Most collaborative divorce lawyers, Anne Schmidt included, are also trained in mediation. Both processes involve coming to resolutions by means of an open line of communication between the parties. A neutral mediator, however, cannot draft the documents necessary for a couple to obtain a divorce within their ethical and occupational limits.
Collaborative divorce allows both sides to be represented by their own lawyer. When resolutions are met through similar methods as the ones seen in mediation, the lawyers have the additional freedom to cooperatively draft the necessary documents to facilitate the divorce. Where there are disagreements, the document can be edited until everyone involved is content.
How Long Does a Collaborative Divorce Take?
In short, that answer depends on the circumstances surrounding you, your spouse, and everything in between. The time it takes to fully understand the needs of everyone involved and work towards finding resolutions to these needs can vary greatly. For the overwhelming majority of cases, however, the collaborative process is markedly quicker than traditional adversarial divorce.
How is Collaborative Divorce Cheaper Than Traditional Divorce?
When seeking divorce through the court system, multiple appearances are necessary more often than not, experts are hired to testify, and you can’t ensure the cooperation of your spouse without the help of an attorney to issue discovery or subpoenas whenever necessary – all of which requiring deep financial commitment. Cooperative divorce eliminates this aspect of divorce entirely, allowing both sides and their collaborative divorce attorneys to work towards solutions for the monetary benefit of everyone involved.
How Do I Make Sure My Needs Are Met?
In collaborative divorce, each party meets with their collaborative attorney to outline what they want to achieve. Those attorneys, along with specially trained professionals across numerous disciplines working on the case, collaborate to ensure the best possible outcome for both parties.
Why Can’t We Just Work It Out On Our Own?
While this is an option, it more often than not results in roadblocks that neither party can seem to overcome without outside help. Utilizing collaborative divorce specialists helps to smooth-out these roadblocks, allowing everyone involved to find comfort in the fact that their needs are being met – whether these needs be personal, family-driven, or financial.
Contact Law Offices of Anne Schmidt, LLC
Do not wait. Get the information you need as soon as possible. Contact our firm online or call us at 847-926-7679 to schedule a consultation.