Learn how QDROs can also be used as an enforcement tool to pay maintenance or child support, and how you can retrieve all or a portion of the child support arrearages from the non-custodial spouse’s retirement plan. Originally recorded as part of Child Support and Maintenance: 7th Biannual Master Teacher Seminar, available in its entirety as P1912-19U.
Child Support and Maintenance Enforcement QDROs: Working Smarter, Not Harder
While using s Orders (QDROs) for dividing retirement plans as marital property between divorcing spouses is commonplace, an alternate payee under the Internal Revenue Code is defined as a spouse, former spouse, or dependent. Learn how QDROs can also be used as an enforcement tool to pay maintenance (alimony) or child support, as well as how you can retrieve all or a portion of the child support arrearages from the non-custodial spouse’s retirement plan.
Anne Prenner Schmidt, The Law Offices of Anne Schmidt, LLC, Chicago